Frequently Asked Questions
About City Services & Processes

It's better to bag the debris, as using a leaf blower just moves it on to your neighbor's street gutter, and means there's a good chance it'll just blow or wash back into your street gutter.

For example, as of this writing the City limits front yard fence heights to 42", or 48" if it has an opacity of 30% or less (such as an aluminum picket or chainlink fence); rear and side yard fences are limited to 6 feet. There's a lot of information in the ordinance, and if you're starting a big project you may find it helpful to hire a zoning professional.
For additions, there are zoning setback requirements that limit how close you can build to your property lines. Then there are a number of permits you need to obtain as well. This is summarized on the City's website and in their Homeowner's Building Permit Guide (PDF).
About Problems & Disturbances

- Machines for sound or blowers/engines/motors (e.g. speakers, lawn equipment, loading/unloading trucks, trash pickup, etc.) are not allowed between 10:00pm and 7:00am. This is defined as an unreasonable noise being heard from a place other than the property where the sound is located or at a distance greater than 75 feet away if in a public place. It is technically a violation if noise is continued to be made after being asked to stop (unless a permit is granted for a special occasion).
- Construction equipment is not allowed between 7:00pm and 7:00am, unless there is an urgent need for repair, such as a life-safety issue.
- Any other unreasonable noises in general (e.g. animals or birds), or when in a public place (e.g. horns, yelling, or shouting) are enforceable any time of day. This is if a noise is unreasonable and noise is continued to be made after being asked to stop.

The Indianapolis Fire Department requests that people with non-emergency fireworks complaints call the non-emergency dispatch line at 311 or 317-327-3811.

Ultimately, this is Citizens Energy Group's and DPW's responsibility, but if you can't wait, you may see what debris on the surface you're able to safely clear yourself. If it's still backing up, the storm drain will need to be opened up and cleared by the city.

- Get photo documentation of all street and sidewalk issues, highlighting lack of accessibility for people in wheelchairs, people with strollers, etc.
- Email our Quality of Life Committee ( and share photos and areas of need
- Get a signed petition from all (or most) neighbors in the affected address range.
- Submit a cover letter with select captioned photos and the petition as exhibits to: your
City-County Councilor,
Councilor At-Large, DPW, and Mayor's Office every few months.
Get BHNA sign-off and use its letterhead. Let all parties know the others are being cc'd on the letter.
Ultimately, the City-County Councilor has the final say on this.
Being a squeaky wheel and showing you have many neighbors actively involved helps.
Samples: Orange Street Photo Documentation and Orange Street Letter to Councillor.
- Have multiple neighbors submit, and keep submitting street and sidewalk issues for the entire address range to the MAC / Request Indy.

If you have a different problem, your elected officials may be able to help.
About Animals

If you are interested in learning more about the local community cat program and resources, check out these resources:
About Other Items

You may also reach out to the Bates-Hendricks Quality of Life (QOL) Committee at to get involved and see how you can help with this effort.

Some of the original neighborhood association founders selected the iris for its hardiness and beauty, and would share iris bulbs with neighbors from their gardens to spread beauty around the neighborhood. The current iteration of the logo (2010 onward) was designed by former neighborhood board member, Allen Janke.
Still have questions that weren't answered here or elsewhere on our website? Send them to
Site Map
- home: slideshow
- about: neighborhood, association, & map
- businesses: dues-paying BHNA businesses
- calendar: month view of our calendar
- downloads: bylaws & other downloads
- green spaces: parks & other public spaces
- I-65/I-70S projects: project updates
- resources: resources for neighbors
Get Involved
- contact: board members & committee chairs
- events: social events, cleanups, etc.
- merch store: buy clothing & other items
- pay: pay dues or make a donation
- sign up for emails: usually 1-2 emails a month
- volunteer: see a number of ways to help out
- chili cook-off: annual competition in Feb./March
- parent meetups: monthly family get-togethers
- street fest: annual block party in September
- yard sale: seeking a lead organizer! Email us!