Baumann Park

Baumann Park was designed and created between 2012 to 2014 by the neighborhood and
KIB, with additional support from neighborhood partner
The park has a
play structure,
a pergola with picnic tables, a grill, two benches, a large open space, and native plantings.
Read more in the
Baumann Park Handbook.
Coburn Park

Coburn Park was dedicated by the Bates-Hendricks Neighborhood Association in 2014.
Currently, the park features some plantings and a small open space.
This space is owned and maintained by a neighbor.
Dog Park at Immanuel

This dog park in the northwest part of the neighborhood features separate areas for small and large dogs, a 6-foot fence,
and a double-gated entry. The park does require a small
membership fee to use.
The dog park is owned and operated by
Indy Dog Park Co. and
Immanuel United Church of Christ.
Hendricks Park

Hendricks Park is a city park that is maintained by
Indy Parks & Recreation.
It has a shelter structure with a grill and a walking path, as well as public art.
Orange Park

Not to be confused with the official Orange Park on the City's east side, this park on the northeast corner of East Street and
Orange Street is a temporary public space until the property is developed.
The green space features plantings and an open grassy area.
Ringgold Park

Ringgold Park is a city park that is maintained by
Indy Parks & Recreation.
The park features new playground equipment, including a climbing structure, a swing set, and a seesaw.
Sexson Park

Sexson Park is a city park that is maintained by
Indy Parks & Recreation.
It features a new playground, including a swing set and slide, as well as a basketball half-court.
Other Spaces
Esplanade – Alabama Street

The S. Alabama Street Esplanade is an open area lined with lights and rows of trees and other landscaping on the sides.
It is maintained by the City of Indianapolis and residents on S. Alabama Street.
Esplanade – New Jersey Street

The S. New Jersey Street Esplanade features a historic gazebo, walking path, and numerous trees and other plantings.
It is currently maintained by residents on S. New Jersey Street.
Gateway – East

Our East Gateway marks our boundary on the northeast side of the neighborhood at the E. Morris Street / Prospect Street split
by the I-65 South onramp.
The "Southeast Neighborhood" subtext on the sign refers to being a part of the Southeast Neighborhood Congress.
Gateway – North

Our North Gateway marks our boundary on East Street between E. Morris Street and Sanders Street.
The landscaping is currently maintained by the neighborhood.
Gateway – South

Our South Gateway marks our boundary at the railroad tracks just south of Beecher Street.
It is currently maintained by
East Street Apostolic Church.
Pleasant Run Trail

The Pleasant Run Trail is a 6.9-mile shared-use trail that runs from Garfield Park to Ellenberger Park, passing through
Bates-Hendricks and following the Pleasant Run Waterway. It is maintained by
Indy Parks & Recreation.
Shortcut Path

The Shortcut Path between Sanders/Wright Streets and E. Morris Street features trees and other plantings along the I-65 South onramp.